Great Gifts For DAD - Father's Day is on June 16th!
Great Gifts For DAD - Father's Day is on June 16th!

Great Gifts For DAD - Father's Day is on June 16th!




We here at Kona know that to many of us, Dad is that unsung hero who quietly keeps the family unit strong and safe. 
He works behind the scenes to provide stability and love and support for his loved ones.  He is the shoulder we cry on when things just aren’t going our way, and he’s there for us to share in our joy and happiness when things happen that make us jump for joy!  
Fathers are sometimes forgotten in all the hustle and bustle of our lives, so this year, let’s truly show Dad what he means to us!  Let’s make his day memorable and happy, and one that he will remember for a long, long time! 



The Ultimate Dad Bundle!

Now  40% OFF 🤯

7 Days Left To Order

Image of Ultimate Grill Tools Gift Set - Perfect Gift Bundle For Father's Day Or Any Day!

Ultimate Grill Tools Gift Set - Perfect Gift Bundle For Father's Day Or Any Day!

I Love My Dad - Buy Now

Bundle Includes

Image of Safe/Clean Bristle-Free Grill Brush - 18" Stainless Steel
Image of IR No Contact Grill Surface Thermometer
Image of Premium BBQ Smoking Pellets - 100% Hardwood Variety Pack
Image of 12" Pellet Smoker Tube - 20 Gauge Stainless Steel
Image of KONA Best BBQ Grill Mats - 7 Year Guarantee - Heavy Duty 600 Degree Non-Stick Grilling Mats


Below are a few fun activities that you can do with dad on Father's Day, along with a few “dad fun facts!”  Also below, make sure to check out the great items we have discounted just in time for Father’s Day!!
1. Much of the time, it’s Dad doing the grilling and preparing our food.  This year give Dad a treat and have a BBQ in his honor. Have someone do the grilling for him and serve all his favorite foods!  Don’t forget his favorite drinks and desserts!
2. Ask your dad to share a few stories with you from his youth.  Not only will this bring back memories of happy times and give him some warm feelings, but it will make you feel good, too. I know I loved hearing stories of my dad’s youth, and now that he’s gone, I’ve shared those stories with his grandchildren.  You may be surprised by some of the things he did!! 
3. Plan a day where you are doing an outdoor activity together, such as fishing or hiking together.  Just spending time together doing something you both enjoy will make for a great day for dad to remember.
4. It would make Dad’s day if you offer to do some of his chores for him!  Take a day and cut the grass, weed the flower beds, and wash his car for him.  You will be dead tired at the end of the day, but Dad will be a happy man!
5. And last, but not least, make sure you tell Dad what he means to you and how much you love him.  Make sure your unsung hero knows just how much he means to you today and every day!!






1. Did you know that Stevie Wonder wrote the song “Isn’t She Lovely” for his newborn daughter, Aisha?  If you listen closely, you can actually hear her crying in the background of the song.
2. Over 87 million Father’s Day cards are mailed each year, making it the forth most popular card mailing day.
3. Father seahorses are the only animals that can become pregnant.  They accept 50-1500 eggs from the female, and then fertilize and carry them for several weeks until they mature.
4. Father’s Day is celebrated in many countries throughout the world, but it is not celebrated on the same day.
5. The Father’s Day official flower is the rose.  A red rose is worn in your lapel if your father is living, and a white rose if he has passed away.

Get Your Fathers Day Bundle Today!

Offer Ends On Fathers Day!

Order Now to Get it on TIME

Image of Ultimate Grill Tools Gift Set - Perfect Gift Bundle For Father's Day Or Any Day!

Ultimate Grill Tools Gift Set - Perfect Gift Bundle For Father's Day Or Any Day!

I Love My Dad - Buy Now

Bundle Includes

Image of KONA Best BBQ Grill Mats - 7 Year Guarantee - Heavy Duty 600 Degree Non-Stick Grilling Mats
Image of Safe/Clean Bristle-Free Grill Brush - 18" Stainless Steel
Image of IR No Contact Grill Surface Thermometer
Image of 12" Pellet Smoker Tube - 20 Gauge Stainless Steel
Image of Premium BBQ Smoking Pellets - 100% Hardwood Variety Pack
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