What Grill Brush is the Best for Smokers?

What Grill Brush is the Best for Smokers?

Clean Grill Grates Matter!


If you are serious about legit, low-and-slow Barbecue prepared in a Smoker, then taking good care of your Smoker and the grill-grates is a must-do!

Smokers cook food at relatively low temperatures of about 200-250 °F which adds a unique challenge compared to barbecue grills, which cook at 300 °F or higher.

Lower cooking temperature requires some preparation/seasoning of the metal and creates some unique cleaning issues.

For example, the fierce heat of a grill barbecue can incinerate most cooking greases inside the fire chamber, while smokers tend to leave these greases and oils behind.

Grease and oils get rancid, particularly in hot weather, and rancid grease on grates can make your food taste terrible.

The black crust on the grates is mostly carbon which insulates the grates causing food to stick.

So, part of being a great pit-master is being a great cleaner as your food must go on clean grates!


Can Grill Brushes be both Safe & Effective?


Fact or Fiction: Bristle Brushes have more cleaning power than Coil brushes => FACTIn test after test by independent product testers, Grill Brushes with Steel Bristles always outperform much-acclaimed Steel Coil brushes! 

That’s because the steel bristle brushes have the most scouring power & most contact surface.

Coil brushes can be a great cleaning alternative but do require extra elbow grease and/or some different techniques which some grillers struggle to master.


Fact or Fiction: Steel Bristle Brushes can be a serious Health Risk for wire ingestion => FACT An estimated 1,700 Americans went to an emergency room between 2002 and 2014 after having ingested wire bristles in grilled food, according to a study published in 2016 by the CDC.

One in four of those with grill brush injuries had to be admitted to the hospital.


Fact or Fiction: Cold Clean Nylon Bristle Brushes aren’t as effective as Steel Bristles => FACT The fatal flaw of a Nylon Bristle Brush is that they can only be used on COLD grills, not HOT grills.

Cleaning a grill when it is heated allows the fats and oils in the residue to release and separate easier from the grates.

Unfortunately, Nylon bristles can melt when used on a heated grill, which is why manufacturers recommend using “Cold Cleaning”. Cold Cleaning greatly reduces grill cleaning effectiveness!


NEVER FEAR…A SOLUTION IS HERE => KONA Safe/Clean Warm Clean with Nylon Ceramic Bristles.  This brush eliminates the safety risks with steel bristles but doesn’t compromise on cleaning effectiveness.

The KONA Safe/Clean Warm Clean brush has proprietary technology where the Nylon bristles are fused with ceramic material which has the effect of both insulating and protecting the nylon bristle as well as adding additional scouring power.

The Kona Warm Clean brush can be used on a warm grill (not nuclear hot!) which mimics the cleaning effectiveness of a steel bristle brush.


NOTHING TO LOSE…a 5-year Manufacturers Limited Warranty ($24.99 value) INCLUDED FREE! So, you can buy this BBQ grill brush with ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE. 

Enter Code>>>  GET15 for 15% OFF the KONA Safe/Clean Warm Clean with Nylon Ceramic Bristles At KonaBBQStore.com


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