This year, yours truly got a totally AWESOME idea! Let’s try grilling our turkeys!! None of my family has done this before, and we ALWAYS like something new and different!!
We normally put lots of compound butter under the skin to keep the turkey moist, but this year I’m going to pick one of our KONA rubs and place some of that under the skin, as well. (I’m feeling adventurous!!) Grilling a turkey actually sounds pretty easy.
It will be important to have a thermometer (KONA has several types to choose from) to make sure your turkey reaches the proper temperature. I’ve also learned that it is a good idea to heat one side of the grill and place the turkey on the other.
It’s very important to rotate the turkey so that all sides get done. And a cranberry glaze near the end of cooking sounds like it gives the bird great coloring!
There are many techniques online, so I’ll pick the one I like the best and go for it!!! This sounds like so much fun!!! Here are some additional Thanksgiving tips and hacks to help you and yours have a wonderfully happy Thanksgiving!
1. When you make your compound butter for the turkey, also make some for the dinner table. Or make several flavors so your guests can really spice up their breads and veggies!!
2. It makes for an easier day if you can make some of the foods ahead, such as gravy or cranberry sauce, and freeze them. Then you only have to thaw and heat on the big day!
3. Use a slow cooker to keep foods warm. I have a triple pot that I use for veggies. If warming mashed potatoes, butter the inside of your pot and add a little heavy cream to the bottom of the pot. Remember to stir occasionally!
4. Clean your potatoes in the dishwasher. What???? Yep!! Put them on the top shelf and then run only the rinse cycle. Then make a cut around the middle that penetrates the skin and boil them whole. After they’re done, run them under cool water and the skins should just slide off. Easy peasy!!!
5. Chopping your veggies is a seemingly endless chore at this time of year. I invested in a good chopper to help make quick work of it. I start chopping the day before and then float the veggies in water until I need them. Big time saver!!!
6. As all the adults know, the kiddies can get under foot when all the cooking is being done. Put a couple of the young teens in charge of helping the young ones make Thanksgiving placemats to use on the tables. Then move on to the napkin rings. This keeps the kids occupied for a while, and your tables will look beautiful!!! It’s a great family tradition!!
7. We all struggle with refrigerator space (or lack of space!) during the holidays. Set up a couple of coolers to store some of your foods in. Freeze a few Kona slim space saving ice packs ahead of time so that you can place them around your foods in the coolers until you’re ready for them.
8. Plan ahead for storage of your leftover foods. Have plenty of zip lock bags if you’ll be sending foods home with people. Pop and Lock food storage containers are a great storage option for items staying at home!!
9. And most important of all, RELAX!! Everything will be great! Something will go wrong….it always does. But you’re with the people who are most important to you, who you love. And that will always makes everything all right in your world!!!! At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect and to give thanks for the wonderful family and friends that have surrounded you all day. Take a deep breath, and then……start getting ready for Christmas!!! Ho, ho, ho!!!
Happy Thanksgiving from the KONA family to yours!!!